Kulitis, Saluyot at Talbos ng Kamoteng Kahoy Fritters with Dill Aioli
You will need the following:
Saluyot leaves, freshly picked
Kulitis leaves, freshly picked
Cassava tops, tender leaves
Sweet Potato Tops, tender leaves
Any Indigenous Vegetable e.g. Eggplants, Okra, Sweet Potato, Cassava root: sliced thinly 1/4 inch thick and patted dry
Mallunggay Fruit, Peeled and cut to 2 inch length
cooking oil for deep frying
For the batter:
All purpose flour, Half a cup
Cornstarch, 2 Tbsp
Cold Iced Water, as needed
For Dill Aioli:
Mayonnaise, Half a cup
Garlic cloves, 2pcs chopped really finely
Dill leaves, 1 tbsp
Salt and white pepper; to taste
Kalamansi juice, as needed
Heat up your cooking oil in a frying pan.
Mix together all purpose flour and cornstarch, pour in cold iced water until mixture has the consistency of thick cream. Please do not over mix because the gluten will develop and the batter will turn out gummy and the fritters won't be as crispy.
Wash the leaves and other veggies, pat dry so batter will stick well.
When oil is hot at about 350 - 375 degrees Fahrenheit or 150-160 degrees Centigrade. Begin to prepare for frying.
Dip leaves or veggies one at a time in the batter making sure all the leaves are well and evenly coated with the batter, not too thick.
Drop in the hot oil and fry for several of seconds for the leaves and couple of minutes for the veggies or until batter is crispy but not browned.
Drain on absorbent paper towels and serve with the aioli.
For Dill Aioli DIP:
Mash the garlic until its very fine.
Mix with the mayonnaise and add in the Dill leaves minced.
Season with salt, white pepper and kalamansi juice.
garnish with a leaf of dill.
Serve with the fritters as a dipping sauce.
Note: Talinun and Alugbati leaves doesn't work well because of the water they have present in their leaves. They make the oil sputter and its a bit dangerous because the oil is really hot.
Aioli dip is good for fried fish and onion rings also.
Try out if Ampalaya leaves are good for fritters also. Send me your comments.
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